Bamboo are perfectly suited to being planted out in pots/planters. The planter material is not important although probably best to avoid terracotta. Any plastic, resin, stone, wooden, steel, zinc planters will do the job.
It is important to select the correct size planter to give the bamboo room to grow. Choose too small and you will find yourself re-potting within a year or two. With bamboo generally speaking your planter cannot be too large.
The size and shape of the planter will depend on what you are looking to achieve:
For screening
There are two approaches for screening in planters, firstly using multiple troughs, spaced along the span you wish to screen. A good size trough for our tall bamboo is 1m x 45cm x 45cm (length x width x height). Two of our tall bamboos will fill a trough with these dimensions quite nicely. To see our troughs for sale please click here
A second alternative is to get creative and build a continuous planter, timber, decking or sleepers are commonly used for this. This over a long span will be more economical and will give you the freedom to define your own dimensions. If you do take this approach be sure to allow your planter to drain by drilling holes in the base.
For shorter spans or for single planters most planters will be appropriate, shape is not important neither is material. Again for using our tall bamboo look for a minimum size of 45cm tall and wide.
Watering is the key to any bamboo or in fact any tree or shrub living in a planter. Bamboo must be kept moist in dry warm weather. In the warmer months this can mean watering daily which is very much what we do to keep our bamboo healthy and vigorous. Our bamboo is always kept moist and well fertilised throughout the Spring Summer and Autumn.
Nutrition is the other important element to keeping bamboo in planters healthy. Each order we send out contains our complimentary fertiliser which will sustain your bamboo for that growing season. The following year you will need to repeat this application of slow release fertiliser or start applying a liquid nitrogen feed every 3-4 months throughout Spring, Summer, and Autumn.